I am Neither the Abuser nor the Victim - What Can I do?

If you are neither a victim nor an abuser, you can play a very important role in the solution because you know what a healthy relationship is, which will set an enormous example for victims of violence.  The example being that a healthy relationship is not only possible but her/his right.  

Be attentive to those at your job, school, social gatherings, etc.  

The best way one can help a victim of violence is to listen and be compassionate.

Recommendation:  Tell your workplace, your kids’ school, and your place of residence that you would like us to come in to conduct the Osso Safe Seminar/Workshop.  This will help anyone that could be an abuser or a victim so that all the responsibility of the solution does not have to fall on one individual person.  



Ridgefield, NJ 07657